Corrado Sassi has been exploring the medium of photography for more than a decade, having received his diploma from the International Center for Photography in New York. Taking snapshots at chest level, without the use of a viewfinder and in everyday life, in the documentary tradition of William Eggleston and Philip Lorca di Corcia, Corrado's signature style is then to bifurcate the image and present the two parts as a diptych of sorts. This presentation stems from his interest in duality, in the fractured view, in parts that belong together being wrenched apart. The resulting images' encasement in plexiglass further serves to distance the view, so that the viewer feels that he is seeing space through a series of windows, at fast speed, as he hurtles through the world, from the vantage point of a voyeur. Yet the images are forcing themselves outward too, into the space of the viewer-a quick but strong glimpse of life, frozen.